Tag Archives: winter health tips

Natural Remedies For Winter Health

natural remedies for winter health

When your mood matches the sky it’s tempting to dive under the doona and tune out from the world.  Winter is naturally a time to close down and go within so we need to be mindful of honouring our needs during this time.  We need to sleep more, eat nourishing foods and tone down the active life we enjoyed over summer, for our inner health.  We also need to support our immune system because it can take a beating during the winter months.  It’s important to know how to keep your immune system strong and balanced if you want to avoid winter infections and stay healthy.  These natural remedies for winter health provide a simple foundation for wellness.

The chill of Winter brings with it a swag of seasonal diseases which range from chilblains and cold sores through many respiratory illnesses.  The common cold is the most prevalent contagious disease in Australia and the most common reason for people to stay home from work or school.  Coughs, colds and sometimes flu are a common part of most household’s winter experience.  Colds are very easily spread from person to person affecting over half of the population in winter

Natural Immune Support

Your immune system protects your body and is your greatest health asset.  But with greater demands and stress placed on it over winter it can suffer. In order to get through winter without any sickness it pays to build your immunity naturally.  Vitamin C, vitamin D, and zinc are three of the best nutrients for this. When you add probiotics you have a powerful combination.

Zinc and vitamin C are essential for the healthy function of white blood cells which fight infection.  Vitamin D contributes to a multitude of body functions including fighting infection.  Probiotics support the immune function of the gut.

Vitamin D

As we huddle indoors over Winter and spend less time in the sun, our vitamin D levels can easily fall below our needs. Vitamin D is essential for immune health. When these levels don’t meet the increased demands of our immune system we’re left open to coughs, colds and flu.

Low vitamin D can also lead to Seasonal Affective Disorder or ‘SAD’ which causes seasonal depression and low mood.

Vitamin D is difficult to source from food. While you’ll find some in sardines, salmon, mackerel, cod, and eggs most is produced by your body from exposure to sunlight.


Is your diet lacking in zinc?  Zinc is essential for a number of life-sustaining functions, including strong immunity to help prevent coughs, colds and flu.  This important mineral triggers approximately 160 different reactions within the body including immunity.  Unfortunately about 83% of Australian women are deficient in zinc.

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All information and opinions presented here are for information purposes only and are not intended as a substitute for professional advice offered during a consultation with your health care provider. Do not use this article to diagnose a health condition. Speak to your doctor if you think your condition may be serious or before discontinuing any prescribed medication. Please consult with your health care provider before following any of the treatment suggested on this site, particularly if you have an ongoing health issue.