Tag Archives: Grounding

The Vagus Nerve: How to Activate Your Body’s Natural Healing Power

Have you ever heard of the vagus nerve? It’s one of the most important nerves in your body. When it’s healthy and stimulated it can help you reduce stress, improve your mood and boost your immune system. Even if you’ve never heard of it, you need to know about the vagus nerve if you want to improve your health.

What is the Vagus Nerve?

The vagus nerve is the longest and most complex cranial nerve in your body. It carries signals to and from your brain to many vital organs, including your heart, blood vessels, lungs, stomach, intestines, vocal chords and more. It is part of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) which plays a role in controlling and regulating involuntary functions like breathing, heartbeat, mood, digestion, and blood pressure.

The ANS has two main branches: the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS). The sympathetic branch is responsible for activating the “fight or flight” response when you face a threat or a challenge. It stimulates your adrenal glands to release adrenaline and cortisol, which increases your heart rate, blood pressure, blood sugar, and alertness. This helps you immediately cope with the challenging situation, but it also puts a lot of stress on your body.

The parasympathetic branch is responsible for activating the “rest and digest” response which kicks in to calm your body down and restore balance once the threat or challenge is over. By stimulating the vagus nerve we get greater calming effects by the PNS.

The vagus nerve is the main component of the PNS, and it acts as a bridge between your brain and your body. It sends signals from your brain to your organs to regulate their functions, and feedback from your organs to your brain with information about your physical and emotional state. The vagus nerve is like a two-way communication channel that helps you maintain homeostasis, a state of equilibrium and harmony in your body.

Maintaining balance between the PNS and SNS is crucial for your physical and mental health.

How the Vagus Nerve Affects Your Health and Wellbeing

The vagus nerve influences many aspects of your physiology and psychology and has a profound impact on your health and well-being.

Here are some of the benefits of having a healthy and active vagus nerve:

Reduce Stress and Anxiety

The vagus nerve plays a big role in regulating your stress response, which lowers your heart rate, blood pressure, breathing rate, and cortisol levels. Cortisol is a hormone released by your adrenal glands in response to stress, and it can have negative effects on your health if it’s chronically elevated. The vagus nerve can also help you cope with emotional stress by enhancing your social skills, empathy, compassion, and trust.

The vagus nerve protects your body by helping it switch back and forth from the fight-flight response and the rest-digest mode.

Improve Your Mood and Mental Health

The vagus nerve stimulates production of neurotransmitters serotonin and oxytocin which are associated with happiness and well-being. Serotonin is a chemical that regulates your mood, appetite, sleep, memory, and learning. Oxytocin is a hormone that promotes bonding, love, and social connection. The vagus nerve increases your resilience and optimism to help prevent or treat depression.

Boost Your Immune System and Reduce Inflammation

Inflammation is a natural response to injury or infection, but it can also cause damage to your tissues and organs when it’s chronic or excessive. The vagus nerve can activate the cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway (CAP), which is a mechanism that suppresses inflammation in your body. It also helps you fight off infections and diseases by enhancing your immune system’s function and reducing inflammation.

Enhance Your Cognitive Abilities and Memory

Brain power improves when a healthy vagus nerve delivers increased blood flow and oxygen to your brain cells to sharpen focus, attention, creativity, problem-solving skills and memory. It can also stimulate neurogenesis, the creation of new neurons, in the hippocampus, which is a part of your brain that is involved in learning and memory.

Support Digestive Health and Metabolism

The signals sent via the vagus nerve from your brain to your stomach and intestines regulate appetite and digestion. They can also control the secretion of gastric acid, enzymes, hormones, and bile that are essential for breaking down food and absorbing nutrients. This helps prevent and treat digestive disorders like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), acid reflux, ulcers, constipation, and diarrhea.

Improve Heart Health and Cardiovascular Function

Heart rate variability (HRV) is a measure of how much your heart rate changes from beat to beat. A high HRV indicates that you have a flexible and adaptable heart that can respond to changing demands. A low HRV indicates that you have a rigid and stressed heart that is more prone to arrhythmias and cardiovascular diseases. The vagus nerve can help lower your risk of heart attack, stroke, and hypertension by increasing your HRV and improving your cardiovascular function.

How to Activate Your Vagus Nerve

As you can see, the vagus nerve is a powerful ally for your health and well-being. But how do you activate it and reap its benefits? The good news is that there are many simple and natural ways to stimulate your vagus nerve and enhance its function.

Here are some of the most effective methods:

Deep Breathing

Breathing deeply and slowly in through your nose and out your mouth is an excellent way to stimulate your vagus nerve. It activates your PNS and increases your HRV. It can lower your heart rate and blood pressure and calm your nervous system. Practice deep breathing by inhaling through your nose for four seconds, holding your breath for four seconds, exhaling through your mouth for four seconds, and pausing for four seconds. Repeat this cycle for a few minutes and notice how you feel.

Mindfulness and Meditation

Meditating is a great way to calm your mind and body by reducing stress, anxiety and negative emotions. It helps you focus on the present moment to reduce negative thoughts and challenging emotions that trigger stress. Combine it with deep breathing for greater benefits. Through meditation we increase our awareness of the present moment which can help you regulate your physiological and psychological responses.

Practice mindfulness by fine-tuning your awareness to notice whatever is going on around or within you, without judgement.

Practice meditation by sitting comfortably, closing your eyes, and focusing on your breath, a mantra, a sound, or a sensation. Whenever your mind wanders, gently bring it back to your focus point.

Humming or Singing Loudly

Humming or singing can stimulate your vagus nerve by activating your vocal cords and diaphragm. It can also increase your production of nitric oxide, which is a molecule that dilates your blood vessels and improves blood flow to your brain and organs. Hum or sing any tune that you like or try chanting “om” or “ahh”, which are sounds that resonate with your vagus nerve.


Laughing can trigger your vagus nerve by engaging your facial muscles and diaphragm. It can also release endorphins, which are natural painkillers and mood boosters. Laugh by watching a funny show, reading a humorous book, or sharing jokes with friends.

Cold Shower

Exposing yourself to cold water or cold air stimulates your thermoreceptors, the nerve endings that detect changes in temperature. It also increases your metabolism, immune system and antioxidant levels. Take a cold shower by gradually lowering the temperature of the water until it’s comfortable but challenging. You could also try splashing cold water on your face or dipping your feet in ice water.

Positive Social Relationships

Having positive social relationships can stimulate your vagus nerve by enhancing your emotional and social intelligence. It also increases your oxytocin and serotonin levels, which promote bonding, trust and happiness. Cultivate positive social relationships by spending time with people who support you, care for you and make you feel good. Expressing gratitude, appreciation and affection to the people in your life also activates the vagus nerve.

Tai Chi and Yoga

Tai chi is a form of martial arts involving slow, graceful movements that coordinate with breathing and mental focus. It stimulates your vagus nerve by improving balance, coordination, flexibility, and circulation. It can also reduce your stress, anxiety and depression. Practice tai chi or yoga by joining a class, watching a video, or following an app.


The vagus nerve is the main channel for conveying messages between the gut to the brain, including threatening feelings or ‘gut instincts’.  When your gut is functioning poorly bad gut microbes overgrow and cause inflammation.  Probiotics are beneficial bacteria and yeasts that live in your gut and help you digest food and produce vitamins and neurotransmitters. They communicate with your brain via the vagus nerve and influence your mood, thinking, and behavior. Taking probiotic supplements increases the number of good bacteria in your gut.

Consume probiotics by eating fermented foods like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, miso, tempeh, or kombucha. Or take probiotic supplements that contain strains like Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium.

Intermittent Fasting

Fasting is the practice of abstaining from food for a certain period of time. It activates your vagus nerve by reducing inflammation, oxidative stress, and insulin resistance. It can also help you recycle damaged cells, and stimulate ketosis which is the state of burning fat instead of glucose for energy. Practice intermittent fasting by skipping breakfast and eating only within an eight-hour window. Alternatively do a 24-hour fast once a week.


Zinc is a mineral essential for many functions in your body, including immune system, wound healing, DNA synthesis and enzyme activity. It also modulates your vagus nerve by regulating neurotransmitter and hormone levels.

You can get zinc from certain foods including oysters, beef, pumpkin seeds, lentils, and dark chocolate. You can also take zinc supplements containing 15 to 30 mg of zinc per day. Many Australians are zinc deficient and so need supplements, because Australian soil is particularly low in zinc, which then affects the amount of zinc available from food sources.


Reflexology is massage of the feet and research shows it increases vagus nerve tone and improves blood pressure. Have a professional reflexology treatment and rub your feet, stretch your toes and rotate your ankles at other times.

Signs Your Vagus Nerve is Suffering

Those are just some ways you can activate your vagus nerve and enjoy its benefits for your health and well-being. However, you should also be aware of the signs that indicate that your vagus nerve may be malfunctioning or damaged.

Some of these signs are:

  • Abdominal pain and bloating
  • Acid reflux or heartburn
  • Elevated heart rate and blood pressure
  • Dizziness or fainting
  • Loss of gag reflex or difficulty swallowing
  • Hoarseness or loss of voice
  • Loss of appetite or nausea and vomiting
  • Tight or sore muscles
  • Racing thoughts or anxiety

If you experience any of these symptoms, you should consult your doctor and get a proper diagnosis and treatment.

I hope you learned something new and useful from this blog post. Remember, your vagus nerve is a powerful connection between your brain and your body that can influence your health and well-being in many ways. By stimulating your vagus nerve, you can change your body chemistry and improve your mindset.

So, try some of the methods I’ve mentioned and see how they work for you. And don’t forget to share your feedback and questions in the comments section below. Thanks for reading and have a great day!


All information and opinions presented here are for information purposes only and are not intended as a substitute for professional advice. Do not use this article to diagnose a health condition. Speak to your doctor if you think your condition may be serious or before discontinuing any prescribed medication. Please consult with your health care provider before following any of the treatment suggested anywhere on this site, particularly if you have an ongoing health issue.

8 Methods of Grounding and Connecting to the Earth’s Frequencies

Grounding is one of the most simple and fundamental ways to rebalance your energies. Walking barefoot on the earth immediately makes you feel whole again, but it isn’t the only way to ground yourself and bring you back to centre.  Here are eight ways to ground yourself with thanks to Adam Lanka of healthy holistic living

simple ways to ground yourself

The term grounding means connected to the Earth, and it is one that spans numerous different cultures, traditions, and spiritual practices. While it is associated with feelings of balance, connection, centeredness, sinking, being anchored and in the flow, I would like to explore the greater implications of what is happening every time you go outside and relax into nature.

All species upon our planet are shaped by the forces and presence of the Earth and the cosmos, and as such this connection is deeply inherent to a sustainable state of well-being. The Earth, as an organic and inorganic system, is constantly bathing all life on the planet with its highly ordered and coherent electromagnetic field. The natural tendency of an organism is to couple with the Earth’s energy field, and come into a state of mutual cooperation and harmony with its external environment, finding its niche and its place within a system.

What we need to understand is that all systems strive to achieve, return to, or maintain a state of pure coherence. In every single moment, whether one is aware of it or not, we are taking part in a constant process within our universe, coupling with other energy fields and finding some sort of balance within this space. This happens everywhere, with life within an ecosystem, when you sit down in your favorite chair and watch television, when you play with animals, or when you say hello to your neighbor. We are constantly interacting with the energy fields all around us in varying degrees and to varying results.

The more organized or coherent these fields are, the more effectively and efficiently energy can be transferred to both stimulate and enhance the lesser organized of the two. Of utmost important to all life on our planet, the Earth’s field has a normal lower range of ~7.8 Hz, also known as the Schumann Resonance.

This natural rhythm is found in multiple places within the human organism, and it is inherent to functioning at our most efficient, sustainable, and coherent state. The human body cavity resonates at 7.8 Hz. Our Alpha and Theta brain waves both border the frequency of 7.8 Hz. These brain waves are associated with insight, intuition, inspiration, meditation, relaxation, and calmness.

Thus, the Earth resonates with our biological system, bringing us into a state of greater coherence. This enhances our mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing. When grounded, organisms operate more efficiently and harmoniously and can more freely access the Earth’s stabilizing electromagnetic energy to increase vitality, health, wellness and enjoy a prolonged lifespan.

This is ancient knowledge that is expressed in widely different cultures, traditions, and spiritual practices, and it all draws from our connection to the Earth. It is then important to become aware that the dominant Western paradigm in the world at the moment is largely set up to alienate people and hinder this connection to the Earth.

The economic system is set up to keep people inside generating information, in large buildings of stone and metal that disconnect us from the Earth. We surround ourselves with machines and technology that constantly bombard us with electromagnetic radiation, i.e. telephones, computers, televisions, etc. We are sold pieces of insulating plastic or rubber to put onto our feet when we are out in nature, hindering the flow of energy from the Earth up into our physical vessel. Pollution and invasive procedures within the Earth distort the electromagnetic field.

Thankfully, we can cultivate our connection to the Earth and facilitate a more coherent, healthy state of being through the practice of grounding. Below are detailed many different methods that one can utilize to bring the human organism back into harmony with the Earth’s energetic field:

Simple Ways Of Grounding Yourself


simple ways to ground yourself

1. Go Outside

Be out in nature; go to a field, a mountain, a swamp, a river, a stream, a beach, the ocean. Get out of the office, off of the couch. Be in the presence of nature, be in the presence of life.

2. Walk in Nature Barefoot

Enjoy some quality barefoot time. The human species has thrived for thousands of years barefoot, let’s take the time to return to this practice in our daily life.

3. Hug a Tree

It’s science; go couple and touch another organism to balance your energy field.

4. Use Grounding Technology

Many people and companies have developed technology to ground you and replenish your body with negative ions. The Earth is the largest electron donor and receiver, and the ideal PH of the human body is alkaline to neutral. Germs, bacteria, parasites, viruses have a positive charge and thrive in an acidic environment.

Using grounding electrodes helps increase the electro-negativity of the human organism, making the internal environment more alkaline, which is widely recognized as critical to a healthy immune system.

Innovative products for grounding the body in unnatural environments like the Earthing mat, or the Earthing sheet from Earthing.com are practical ways to maintain harmonizing electro-magnetic contact with the earth.

5. Utilize Visualization

As conscious beings, we can alter and regulate our energy field through our changing emotions, and how we choose to feel. Visualization is an ancient practice that is incredibly effective and can be done in any moment, no matter where you are. Below are a few techniques that are quite effective.

spiritual grounding

6. Grounding Chord

Visualize, see, feel, or simply be aware of the center of the Earth and the free energy that it emits. With your mind and heart, reach down into the core, and pull up a pulsing, twisting chord of energy from the depths of the Earth. Hook this chord onto your root chakra, or sacral chakra as well for women, and feel the immediate connection between you and the Earth as the energy flows through you. You may become aware of a sinking feeling, a tightening and flexing of the perineum and muscles in your groin and butt area. Conversely, you can also flex these muscles and concentrate on sending the chord down into the Earth, as well.

Practice and repeat this process as often as you need. Experiment with different chords of different colors and thicknesses, and experience the incredibly wide variety of sensations that it will instil in you.

7. Tree Meditation

Visualize, see, feel or simply be aware of your body, and become a tree. Feel your feet grow roots that sink down into the Earth and anchor you to it. Feel your legs and thighs become wood as well, as the roots that grow up from the ground encircle and entwine themselves around your legs, and continue to spread up your body. Feel the straightening in your spine as you become a trunk, feel the energy rising from the Earth up into your stomach, into your heart, into your head. Feel your arms become branches that grow, stretch, and reach for the sky, drinking in the light of the sun and changing it into energy. Feel your crown open as it fills with light, which then flows down into your roots and into the Earth.

8. Mountain Meditation

Visualize, see, feel, or simply be aware of your body becoming a mountain, turning into stone. We see only the tips of mountains, their roots run deep into the Earth. Feel your legs and lower body anchoring into the bedrock and stone of the Earth, and the feelings of peace and calmness that come with it. Become the base of the mountain as it grows upwards and reaches into the sky. Feel your crown as the top of the mountain, where the Earth and sky meet and mingle; the connection of these two opposite spectrums that are in perpetual balance.

techniques for grounding yourself

We have the ability to regulate and change our state of being. While indeed we are a product of our environments, constantly in the presence of other external forces and influences, we always have a choice as to how we choose to feel and how we respond. We have the choice to change our external and internal environment to come into a state of greater harmony and coherence. I invite you to utilize the information and techniques above to increase your coherence, elevate your vibration, and take your power back to be the change in the universe you wish to see.


All information and opinions presented here are for information purposes only and are not intended as a substitute for professional advice offered during a consultation. Please consult with your health care provider before following any of the treatment suggested on this site, particularly if you have an ongoing health issue

Adam Lanka

Adam Lanka, originally from North Carolina, is a traveling philosopher, energetic arts healer, and physicist. His passion and interest are in bridging the gaps in the dominant paradigm, uniting science and spirituality into one journey of consciousness, and elevating the vibration of humanity. To learn more about Adam, please visit his personal blog, The Wanderlust. Find him on Facebook at Gateway Explorations.


Get Down To Earth By Grounding Yourself

This year I decided to ditch my footwear inside the house, ever since reading up on Barefoot Earthing or Grounding. This is a radical new health practice that is quickly gaining momentum as word about its benefits spreads. Its impact can be quite far-reaching and yet it is incredibly simple to do, costs nothing, is always available and feels great.

Have you ever noticed how good you feel when you take off your shoes to walk barefoot?  Photo credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/hlkljgk/5760553436/
Have you ever noticed how good you feel when you take off your shoes to walk barefoot?
Photo credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/hlkljgk/5760553436/

Have you ever noticed how good you feel when you take off your shoes to walk barefoot? Well it seems there is a scientific explanation, and research into the practice of Grounding has found that it can significantly improve all sorts of health problems. It can help your energy levels, reduce stress, improve your sleep, decrease muscular inflammation and stiffness as well as other chronic pain, reduce anxiety, improve circulation, prevent free-radical damage and associated premature ageing and even heal injuries faster. It brings you back into a state of equilibrium where your body is best able to heal itself. Those who use the practice on a regular basis report great results. I am certainly finding I have less aches and pains whenever I walk round without shoes than when I leave them on.

It all has to do with electrical fields.

These days we live completely immersed in electro-magnetic waves (EMFs) from a huge number of everyday items including our mobile phones, computers, wireless technology, huge numbers of electrical appliances, and even compact fluorescent lights. The air in our houses, our workplaces, our schools and in some outdoors places is full of electro-pollution, harmful positive ions produced by this multitude of electrical contraptions that surround us. These positive ions are contributing to ill health.

Electrical stress is now recognized as a significant contributor to many health problems and in fact a new chronic illness, “Diabetes Type 3”, has been coined to describe the effect of illness believed to be from electropollution. Surrounding yourself with sources of negative ions helps to rebalance this disharmony, as does being in places where negative ions are in abundance.

The surface of the earth is electically conductive and has a permanent supply of free electrons sitting just above the surface. The charge on the earth surface is negative and anything that is close to the surface will also carry that charge

Your body also has an electrical field, sometimes referred to as the biofield or the aura. When your bare feet are in contact with the earth negative electrons can easily pass into you. Grounding helps to prevent a build-up of harmful electrons in your body as well as promoting a discharge of the positive ions from your body into the earth. Simultaneously you receive a flood of free electrons from the earth. These neutralize the free radicals in your body which cause inflammation and are responsible for many health problems. The flood of electrons immediately ‘re-balances’ you, which is why you feel so good when you walk outside barefoot.

In case you got lost in that explanation, simply, standing on the earth rebalances the electromagnetic field of your body, helping to strengthen your immune system, and boosting both your health and your wellbeing.

For most of our existence humans have gone barefoot and often slept directly on the ground, things now are very different. As well as being surrounded by electromagnetic pollution we are cut off from receiving the rebalancing benefits from the earth because the shoes that we now wear have rubber and synthetic soles that insulate and block transmission of the natural beneficial energy of the earth. Think how rubber gloves can provide protection from electrical shock.


  • Take your shoes off and go barefoot on grass, beach, bare earth, even concrete when it is laid directly on the earth (but not if it is painted or sealed) whenever you can
  • You need to walk around on the earth for about thirty minutes to gain the benefit
  • Swim in lakes, rivers, or the sea
  • Wear shoes with leather soles
  • Purchase and use one of the indoor grounding mats or an earthing bed sheet.

By the way, the reason I am able to benefit from earthing when walking barefoot indoors is because my floor is unglazed slate sitting on a concrete slab which is set directly onto a rock shelf on the side of a hill. You would not get earthing benefit in a home above the ground, or with glazed tiles, or a layer between the concrete and tile, or with other floor coverings.

If you would like to read up on Earthing also then get a copy of the book EARTHING – The Most Important Health Discovery Ever?  by Clint Ober, Dr Stephen T Sinatra and Martin Zucker.

Remember though, Grounding is not a substitute for medical treatment and if you have a medical condition you need to consult your healthcare provider.

Taking your shoes off and walking barefoot in the sea helps to rebalance your energetic field.
Taking your shoes off and walking barefoot in the sea helps to rebalance your energetic field.


All information and opinions presented here are for information only and are not intended as a substitute for professional advice offered during a consultation. Please consult with your health care provider before trying any of the treatment suggested on this site. 

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